Sunday, November 4, 2007

RubyConf 2007: Ruby and Identity: OpenID, CAS and Information Card

Justin Gehtland is the president of Relevance.

There will be twelve slides and then we're going to code.
  1. rails myapp (camping, whatever)
  2. ruby script/plugin install acts_as_authenticated
  3. There is not step 3!
This leads to redundant implementations, no shared authentication, and comingled storage (sensitive and non-sensitive data in the same place).

What do you get for giving $2 million to RSA? Someone to sue.

Two types of central authentication: private and public. The difference? Trust.

OpenId (public)
  • free, open central id
  • vendor-supported, but not controlled
ruby-openid has dependencies on
  • net transports
  • yadis (openid + directory service)
CAS (private)
  • central authentication service
  • foss
  • java-based
rubycas-client and rubycas-server

What about
  • LDAP?
  • NTLM?
  • Commercial SSOs?
Ruby has bindings for these (ActiveLDAP, rldap, ...).

OpenID demo.

Caveat: the shipping openid plugin returns :false (the symbol), if the user is not logged in.

This is all authentication. NEVER punt authorization rules to a third-party server. They are coupled to the domain or application.

CAS demo.

You need a certificate to run the server. All traffic to a single sign-on must go over SSL.

rubycas-server is done in camping.

Biggest problem he has seen in rails shops is domain explosion. Example: a notes application is released and now the business people want a memo application, but you can't make a separate application because that would necessitate multiple logins.

CAS uses ssl for everything, except token generation: "#{}r%X" % rand(10**32)

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