Saturday, November 3, 2007

RubyConf 2007: State of IronRuby

Team: John Lam, Haibo Luo, Tomas Matousek, John Messerly

Why? I didn't hear an answer to this.

Effecting change is hard.

It is under the MS-PL (Microsoft Public License).

He also plugged IronPython, Dynamic Language Runtime, and F#.

A third goal is performance. I missed points one and two.

22 minutes after the talk began, the PR part is over.

Laguages running on the DLR: JavaScript, VisualBasic, php, ruby, python, lua, boo apc, perl, coldfusion

One point where this is slower than mri? is raising exceptions. But that's not a concern.

side note from IRC: I remembers a time when running through an array in Java without an end condition and using a try/catch of the ArrayIndexException for the end condition was a common "optimization"

When writing C-Sharp code that will be generated into Ruby code, with the DLR, you need to have some metadata strewn throughout your program (CalcOps.cs):

public static Calc CreateCalc() {
  return new Calc();

public static Calc Add(Calc self, int val) {
  self._total += val;
  return self;

He goes over Silverlight and XAML.

He didn't have much content about IronRuby. There was a lot of talk about Microsoft and tangentially related topics like Silverlight and the CLR. Also, he was either attacked by the BSD devil, or was making a jab at the fact that he works at Microsoft, with the tail he was wearing.

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